012 - Graeme Sait
Climate Change, Compost, and Nutrition
Graeme Sait is an internationally acclaimed author and educator who co-founded Nutri-Tech Solutions. He is a powerful presenter who speaks at conferences and seminars around the world.
Join us as we delve into how building organic matter can mitigate climate change, what humus is and why it’s important. Then we explore nutrients and the microbiome, and pre & pro biotics.
Check out his websites:
And here’s a TED talk Graeme did from 2013:
-Climate change
-Prof. Guy McPherson
-Prof. James Hansen of NASA
-Paris climate conference
- 4 in 1000 www.4p1000.org/
-Cutting emissions
-Building organic matter
-Ron Nichols of USDA
-Plant exudes glucose
-Cellulose digesting fungi
-Active humus and stabilised humus
-Mycorrhizal fungi
-Dr Sarah Wright - discovered glomalin
-Beneficial anaerobic microbes
-Benefit of earthworms
-Trial by Department of Primary Industries Queensland comparing 7 types of compost
-Connection between soil and health
-Home garden is the ultimate wellness tool
-Water treatment
-Uv light in water -ozone plus hydrogen peroxide -oxygen radicals -peroxone
-Puricare water treatment
-Building humus with plants
-Learn from nature
-Mob grazing
-Professor Christine Jones
-National bank & csiro -what determines profitability? Dominant driver was % of organic matter
-Nutrient density in crops is governed by humus
-Digestive system
-10x more microbial cells in us than our human cells
-Fecal transplants
-Food grade stabilisers
-Longevity and lacto-fermented food
-Rainbow sauerkraut
-Colour pigments in veggies are antioxidants
-Peruvian apple - yacon
-Fructooligosaccharide & inulin
-Trial with 90,000 people: one spring onion a day reduced all forms of cancer by 71%
-Medical cannabis
-Neale Donald Walsch
-Conversations with God
-Shikimate pathway
-Cover crops