044 - Fermentation, Flavours, and Process with Mara King

A Journey of Process with a Fermented Food Entrepreneur 

Ben Klenner
044 - Fermentation, Flavours, and Process with Mara King
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Today on the podcast we are talking with fermentation fanatic and entrepreneur Mara King. She shares her passion of probiotics through workshops, talks and fermented food products and has inspired people worldwide through her TED talk - “What can we learn from fermentation?” 

Mara worked for many years as a chef, including a period as a sushi chef, but through a journey of process and fermentation, co-founded a fermented food company called Ozuké based in Boulder, Colorado.

Join us as Mara shares some of her story, including memories of growing up in Hong Kong, first experiences with fermentation, and starting the business Ozuké. We talk about the workshops she attended with Sandor Katz and how that eventually led to her travelling with Sandor through China to explore traditional Chinese fermentation techniques. You can watch their travels through China in an eight part series called: Peoples Republic Of Fermentation 

Mara refers to a book near the end of the episode - she says “The Botany of Desire” but what she is actually referring to is “The Drunken Botanist” by Amy Stewart.

Support the podcast by getting the book here: Hardcover or Audiobook

If you want to find out what Mara is up to, you can check out her Instagram @zukemono

Also check out Ozuké at ozuke.com and on Facebook and Instagram @we.are.ozuke 

Mara will be doing a workshop with Sandor in Denver at:

Slow Food Nations, July 20, 12.30-2pm 


She’ll be giving an Asian fermentation presentation at:

Congreso de Fermentacion, Oaxaca, October 17-20

Facebook and Instagram @fermentoaxaca

If you’ve been inspired by our talk today, why don’t you reach out to Mara and tell her so:


As Mara says: it’s all about process…

Be involved with living a probiotic life and may the beneficial microbes be with you!

Show Notes to come.